Friday, December 7, 2012

Golden Book List - Med School Advice/Memoirs

A List of the best books about medical school

Memoir: Everything I Learned in Medical School: Besides All the Book Stuff by Sujay Kansagra (I'm a bit biased)
                 Kindle Edition     iBook     Nook 

               In Stitches by Anthony Youn and Alan Eisenstock

Medical School Advice: Med School Confidential by Miller, et al.
                                        On Becoming a Doctor by Heller

Interview Preparation for Med School and Residency: Why Medicine? by Sujay Kansagra
    Kindle Edition         iBook          Nook

If you are seeing this, you can get my book for big discount directly from publisher.  Click here, use discount code VTXGMB2X

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